Bergen Realistforening
Bergen Realistforening (RF) is one of the citys biggest concert organizers, managed by students. RF organizes both concerts and other fun stuff at Kvarteret every thursday. As a driftsorganisasjon at Kvarteret, the volunteers of RF get the same members-only benefits as the volunteers at Det Akademiske Kvarter.
Bergen Realistforening was founded in 1959 to organize lectures and parties for students at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MatNat) at the University of Bergen. Even though the organization had its origin among MatNat-students, it is now open for all students.
The journey started in Parkveien 1 (where Sammen student center is now), when the old students villa on that land was to be demolished. Bergensstudentene Hulen, as compensation after contiuous work and activism, and Hulen became an enrichment to the student life of Bergen and to RF. Now, as before, thursday is RFs night, and a string of themenights became tried and true concepts, like Ost&Vin, Bierstube and Film&Vaffel.
Hulens limitation as a locale for academic conversation, forced lectures to give way for concerts, dance nights and eventually discotheque. When the plans for a collective students culture house in Bergen began taking shape, Realistforeningen became involved in the planning, and when Kvarteret opened in 1995, the organization moved from Hulen, together with Aktive Studenters Forening (ASF).
As a volunteer in RF, you can be part of booking, PR, social, economy or the presidential cabinet, in addition to partaking in organizing events. The board of RF is flat, which means that all members are equal in their influence on how RF as organization operates.
Today, RF has an exclusive focus on music and culture in their lineup. Every thursday a cultural experience advertised towards students, however not exclusively, can be attended for a reasonable fee.
RF has 3 concepts:
Thursday-concert: Known artists from inland and abroad in on stage in Teglverket - Kvarterets biggest concert stage.
Up&Coming: Selected thursdays, Bergens freshjly established and unknown bands and artists get the chance to perform in Teglverket. Entrance is free.
Helhus: RF organizes Kvarterets saturday concept once or twice a month, with the house being filled with concerts and events. Several of RFs Helhus has themes, e.g St. Patrick's day, Halloween or Christmas-helhus.